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How to serve our Sticky Toffee Pudding

This is one of those dishes that is best done in the microwave, it works it's strange magic and makes the little puddings extra soft and squidgy! (if you've only got an oven, don't worry, its (almost) as good in that too!) ...................................................................................................................... We love to have it with a nice dollop of tangy creme fraiche which cuts the sweet, buttery sauce really nicely. Top it off with some flaked almonds and you've got a party on your hands.


I wont often shout their praises, but in the right circumstances, they are remarkable!

Creme Fraiche

Creamy and tangy all at once

Flaked Almonds

Nutty and crunchy, they add an aesome extra to the dish.

This can all be done in 5 mins, max. Easy Peasy.

Get your almonds and put them in a dry frying pan on a medium/low heat. Toss them around every 30 seconds until they toast up to a golden colour.

Serve your puddings, spooning over warrm sauce from the tray.

Add a dollop of creme fraiche to the side and sprinkle over your toasted almonds.
